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Minggu, 21 Juli 2019


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Setiap tahun, 2 milyar ban bekas diproduksi di seluruh dunia. Kurang dari 30% sedang didaur ulang dan sisanya biasanya dikirim ke tempat pembuangan sampah atau dibuang secara ilegal. Pengelolaan ban limbah yang buruk merupakan ancaman serius bagi lingkungan kita. EMJAC telah menciptakan solusi yang mengintegrasikan teknologi blockchain dan hijau untuk mengelola dan mendaur ulang limbah ban secara efisien dan menyediakan platform pemasaran global untuk produk-produk energi terbarukan.

Sebagai bagian dari revolusi energi terbarukan, EMJAC akan mengintegrasikan teknologi blockchain untuk mendaur ulang dan mengurangi ban limbah yang dibuang secara ilegal di seluruh dunia. Kami bertujuan untuk meningkatkan transparansi dan keterlacakan penuh dari limbah ban dari sumber ke fasilitas TRU di seluruh dunia yang akan mendaur ulang ban limbah menjadi produk yang berharga. EMJAC juga akan menyediakan platform pasar bagi pemangku kepentingan untuk mendigitalkan pengadaan dan perdagangan produk-produk energi terbarukan dengan token EMJ kami.

Image result for emjac

EMJAC bertujuan untuk menjadi pemimpin dalam industri "Limbah menjadi Energi Hijau" untuk mendaur ulang ban limbah secara global dengan menggunakan teknologi ramah lingkungan dengan teknologi blockchain terbaru.

Visi kami adalah untuk memulihkan energi yang terperangkap dalam limbah ban dan mengurangi jejak karbon di lingkungan kami dan menyalurkan energi terbarukan kembali ke ekosistem kami untuk memberi manfaat bagi masyarakat di seluruh dunia melalui platform pasar tepercaya.

EMJAC: Mendorong Perubahan Lingkungan melalui Prakarsa Limbah menjadi Energi melalui:

Manfaatkan teknologi Blockchain terbaru untuk menyelesaikan timbunan limbah ban global
Mengurangi pembuangan limbah ban ilegal dengan menciptakan nilai untuk limbah ban
Merampingkan dan melacak pergerakan ban limbah dari sumber ke pabrik daur ulang
Tingkatkan persentase ban limbah global yang didaur ulang dengan cara yang ramah lingkungan
Berikan pasokan energi berkelanjutan dan terbarukan jangka panjang di seluruh dunia
Menyediakan solusi dan platform perdagangan untuk persediaan, logistik, dan produk ban bekas

EMJAC: Mendorong Perubahan Lingkungan melalui Prakarsa Limbah menjadi Energi melalui:

Token EMJAC berupaya menciptakan siklus pemulihan lengkap untuk P2P dan B2B untuk mempromosikan penetrasi daur ulang dan berbagi pengetahuan yang lebih tinggi bahwa ban limbah dikelola dan didaur ulang dengan cara yang ramah lingkungan. Melalui TRU dan teknologi blockchain, pemegang token kami akan dapat memahami, melacak dan melacak pergerakan ban limbah ke pabrik pemulihan termal di seluruh dunia dan produk daur ulang berikutnya.

Pasar EMJAC akan memungkinkan pemegang token untuk berdagang pada penawaran dan permintaan ban bekas di masing-masing negara, mengirimkan kutipan dan membeli dan menjual produk daur ulang diesel sintetik, kabel hitam dan baja yang disempurnakan di pasar global. Peluang perdagangan seperti itu ada karena perbedaan harga komoditas tersebut, terutama diesel yang merupakan kebutuhan energi integral di setiap negara.

Ekosistem blockchain EMJAC dirancang untuk menyelesaikan lingkaran daur ulang di mana produsen ban limbah (P2P, B2B, P2B, B2P) akan memiliki kemampuan untuk menciptakan nilai jangka panjang untuk limbah ban sambil mendukung tujuan mulia untuk melindungi bumi kita dan mengurangi dampak buruknya. dampak dari 2 miliar ban bekas yang dihasilkan secara global setiap tahun.

Detail ICO
Ticker: EMJ

Platform: BTC, ETH, EUR, USDC

Jenis Token: ERC20

Tersedia untuk dijual: 350.000.000 EMJ


Harga ICO: 1 EMJ = 0,08 USD

Menerima: ETH

Soft cap: 8.000.000 USD

Hard cap: 35.000.000 USD

Peta jalan
2016 Q1


Generasi Konsep

Tim Merakit

Q2 2016


Membuktikan konsep itu bisa berhasil

Rencana Strategis

Kertas putih selesai

Q3 2016


Tanah untuk kilang disegel

10 Insinyur bergabung dengan EMJAC

2017 Q2


Mitra Teknologi kami, ECSB, memberikan Status Pioneer dengan Pajak Pengecualian 5 tahun dari Malaysia Investment Development Authority (MIDA)

2017 Q3


PROYEK TRU diamankan untuk daur ulang limbah ban

2017 Q4


Kemitraan Strategis & MOU

R&D “TRU” yang sukses dengan 4 komponen diekstraksi

2018 Q2


Pra pemasaran dengan mitra strategis

2018 Q3

Persetujuan Resmi

Persetujuan DOE dan Instansi Pemerintah

2018 Q4

Pekerjaan Hukum

Konsultasi Hukum Final

2019 Q2


Kemitraan dan MoU Strategis

2019 Q3

Peluncuran IEO

Pertukaran Mitra

Daftar di Bursa

2019 Q4

Peluncuran MVP Beta

Peluncuran MVP dengan fungsionalitas penelusuran

2020 Q1

MVP dengan Peluncuran Testnet

Peluncuran Beta EMJAC Marketplace

2020 Q2

Peluncuran MainNet Beta

Intergasi dengan Aplikasi Seluler EMJAC

M.K Kwan: ​​Pendiri

Chu Wong: Co-Founder

Wan Afif: Penasihat Proyek Hijau

William Koo: Penasihat Pemasaran & Branding

Eugene Tan: Manajer Pengadaan Proyek Hijau

Ridzuan Said, PhD .: Konsultan ECSB TRU

Adnan Ahmed Siddiqui: Penasihat CTO & Blockchain

Javeria Naveed: Manajer Pemasaran

Ankit Kumar: Pengembang Blockchain

Gopinath Sheregar: Mitra Teknologi, IoTracX CXO

Shyamsundar Purkayastha: Mitra Teknologi, IoTracX CTO

Daryl Naidoo: Penasihat

Untuk Informasi Lebih Lanjut Klik Tautan Di Bawah Ini:

Situs web | LinkedIn | Facebook | Twitter | Telegram | Whitepaper | Youtube

PENULIS: (hogriderr)

PROFIL BTT:;u=1110019

ETH: 0xa6e13d101FAc22dEE3e2F50fBfaa575511BB9Cce

Kamis, 18 Juli 2019


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We created a global decentralized global platform BILLCRYPT pl.
This is a multifunctional Blockchain integration system from company representative offices, professional communities, specialists and products.

The Blockchain (BR) representation is created by the user in the form of a decentralized application (DApp) on the blockchain with a comfortable interface.

Image result for billcrypt blog

The universe of cryptography is constantly refreshing with new altcoins, but very few are very useful. At present it is very important to have data on the ability to develop cryptographic forms of money.

Finally it was realized that another promising token, Billcrypt, would soon run out in an open pre-agreement. So far it can be imagined to know about it simply because it was made by a strong venture meeting, as an instrument to put resources into business that is shown to be widespread in various fields. This is exactly what crypto ads really need, to be more specific, security and firm guarantees for further implementation of speculation efforts.

Data about him has not been distributed anywhere, which implies that there is no doubt that specialists and financial assets will certainly issue it. However, Bilkript will also be accessible for purchase, despite the fact that it is limited.

Multifunctional decentralization stage around the world BILLCRYPT pl is a joined blockchain framework for agency workplace organizations as a DApp (decentralized application on the blockchain) with a pleasant interface.

A condition that is agreed to alone will allow the accomplice to build their organizations that are most feasible to be incorporated into the framework and financially advance with each other, benefiting greatly from this because of the energy impact of the cooperative.

For financial specialists, this will be the most illustrative and illustrative structure that allows you to quickly and reliably assess conversations to organizations, and determine productive speculation choices.

For the strong work of all stage capabilities and venture biological systems, all advanced resources that cover all other ages have been created - BILLCRYPT Evolution Tokens from the ERC-20 standard on the blockchain Ethereum.

It is a computerized resource with significant significant value, a special club card, allows access to expand capacity, and a kind of ticket to enter pre-agreement that is brought to the close of the business framework, and advances in new crypto resources can be obtained as tokens from various tasks. Each of these tokens, thus, also provides important benefits to holders and clients, and extends their welfare.

BILLCRYPT makes decentralized stages that are widespread throughout the world BILLCRYPT pl. This is a multifunctional Blockchain that combines agent workplace settings from organizations, advanced networks, masters and items.

A condition that is agreed to alone will allow everyone to make their own blockchain portrayal, framing the solitary arrangement of the promised trust.

This will bring any business to another phenomenal dimension.

Continuous improvement of the stage, the growing number and prevalence of the Blockchain delegation workplace, their growing status and increased interest in tokens giving BILLCRYPT a transformative property and making it an important monetary device.


To offer everyone the opportunity to gather solid data about themselves as masters, about business, about goods and merchandise made.Build firm fame of trust and present in a way that is reasonable for clients, accomplices, temporary workers, buyers, interested financial specialists.Give all clients with reliable data.Balance your reputation and status.To create reliable data conditions that allow any business to become strongestablishment for subsequent tokenisasi and all kinds of crowdsales.Raise the basic leadership security dimension to an extraordinary dimension.
Apart from how to run the Blockchain stage with progressive ideas for all intents and purposes, it was never published anywhere, he just found a way to collect about eight million dollars at presale.

Early financial specialists are individuals from speculation meetings, near the assignment writer.

Transactions are underway with very large institutional finance specialists and there are doubts that they can buy all the volume of BILC tokens intended for ICO.

However, it can still be trusted that some of the promising cryptographic money even now marked before entering stock trading and getting it will be a remarkable achievement, because the development is normal with the ultimate goal that we haven't seen for quite a long time.

Here are the reviews that I present to all of you in seeking information and knowing the BILLCRYPT project that is currently being carried out by their team, if there are deficiencies in explaining this article, don't worry, I have prepared a link for you to get accurate information. information and of course you will be able to talk directly with the founder or their team, on the link.

Key Benefits

In the meantime, an advanced resource of significant worth stockpiling, an advantaged club card, which opens access to the venture capacities, and a sort of ticket to enter the brought pre-deals to a close of the framework’s tasks, and an inside computerized money for which you can buy new crypto resources as tokens and ViP of different undertakings. Each such token and Vip, thus, likewise gives noteworthy benefits to the holders and clients, and builds their welfare.

Inconclusive advantaged enrollment on the BILLCRYPT pl.

Installment instrument for acquiring a piece of virtual pictures (Virtual picture Part – ViP, which are determined impressions of genuine items).

Developing elements and money related streams.

Economy of Token

Once emanation  152, 000, 000 BILC

Predetermined number of tokens.

Deflationary budgetary model.

Development Drivers

Increment in number and venture advancement.

Promoting and publicizing.

Venture scaling.

Adjustment finance.

Steady development of the installment limit of the token when new s are associated.

Refreshed data on the direct of token deal on the official site

Begin ITO 13.05.2019 14:00 MSK/11:00 GMT

Trade 1 BILC = 1 $ USD

As of now, an open presale proceeds, which can be finished whenever when the farthest point of $ 10 million is come to.

At the season of this distribution, sums changed over to BILС came to $ 7 083 531

Presently advantaged cost for early financial specialists = 75 pennies/reward 34%

To buy enrollment on the site, or on the application to the location:

At long last, what I can say is the enormous capability of this organization. All-round ICO is exceptionally striking. This is an incredible open street to enter the ICO world. On the off chance that you realize how to improve our locale. In the event that you realize how to spread data about us in this world.

In the event that you have any thoughts for different upgrades, it is a benefit.

In the event that all of you take an interest in our abundance.


For more information and join BILLCRYPT social media today, please follow this resource:


Autore: hogriderr
profilo bitcointalk: hogriderr
ETH: 0xa6e13d101FAc22dEE3e2F50fBfaa575511BB9Cce


Rabu, 17 Juli 2019

BILLCRYPT - plataforma interna integrada BR-2-BR

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Atualmente, é difícil determinar a confiabilidade das informações sobre objetos ou objetos, seja uma empresa ou um especialista em qualquer campo ou produto. Isso cria dificuldades na tomada de decisões.

Hasil gambar untuk BILLCRYPT

por anos trabalhando no setor de investimentos, eles também enfrentam problemas financeiros para empresas promissoras e até mesmo para avanços.

Normalmente, o motivo está em processos de tomada de decisão complexos e demorados, geridos em excesso por potenciais investidores institucionais. Mesmo com o surgimento da capacidade de atrair investimentos no mercado monetário eletrônico, a questão da confiança ainda é muito relevante.

Eles, como especialistas com anos de experiência, entendem, porque temos que fazer um trabalho abrangente, avaliando diligentemente potenciais projetos, nem sempre confiantes em informações confiáveis. fiável, mesmo que este negócio já esteja em funcionamento.

Para descobrir, entre muitos projetos reais, não apenas a atenção, mas também o investimento real, você deve ser capaz de encontrar projetos promissores e gastar muito tempo, energia e dinheiro. tempo. Blockchain torna possível aplicar o princípio de manter a confiabilidade absoluta dos dados sem o envolvimento de qualquer elemento humano.

Por isso, decidiram criar um utilitário blockchain de sistema de plataforma, que resolveria esse problema com suas abordagens conceituais, tecnológicas e funcionais.

Objetivos do projeto do BILLCRYPT:

  1. Torne a tecnologia blockchain fácil de entender, acessível e útil para todos;
  2. Construa um escritório representativo de blockchain com uma interface intuitiva;
  3. Criar um serviço de integração multifuncional global;
  4. Plataforma interna integrada BR-2-BR;
  5. Integrar fora com outros projetos, sistemas e serviços de blockchain;
  6. Integração com segmentos offline de negócios, B2B, B2G;
  7. Combinado com outras tecnologias;
  8. Conecte nichos que estão próximos e interaja efetivamente com eles;
  9. construir mais para desenvolver soluções existentes;
  10. Construa modelos econômicos inovadores e completamente novos.
Hasil gambar untuk BILLCRYPT

BILLCRYPT pl é um sistema integrado global descentralizado para o escritório de representação Blockchain (BR)

A infra-estrutura multifuncional única que reúne os escritórios dos Representantes Blockchain na forma de aplicações não-coletivas centrais no blockchain (DApp). Uma plataforma única que combina todas as vantagens do mundo real e espaço virtual, Internet familiar e blockchain.

Este é o próximo passo no desenvolvimento - espaço virtual com possibilidades reais. Um ambiente de plataforma confortável com uma interface confortável permitirá que as pessoas desenvolvam seus negócios mais eficazes integrados ao sistema por meio de seu próprio representante Blockchain.

O Blockchain representativo é um pacote de software separado para aplicativos descentralizados (DApp) baseado na plataforma BILLCRYPT, que é usado na forma usual para proprietários de BR com base no princípio do conteúdo do site, onde o proprietário executa todas as ações e configurações.

A seção BR externa é colocada na seção apropriada do tópico da plataforma e está disponível para todos os usuários. Lá, os usuários podem obter todas as informações confiáveis ​​sobre os proprietários de BR e tomar as medidas necessárias (comprar e vender bens ou serviços dos proprietários de BR, seus tokens e ViP, participando de promoções e pedidos, recebendo recompensas por isso).

No nível de software, BR é um complexo DApp que fornece acesso aos recursos do proprietário da blockchain na plataforma e integra recursos de blockchain corporativo (se necessário) em plataformas e, em seguida, blockchain global.

O principal recurso de blockchain

Inicialmente, a plataforma BILLCRYPT foi construída no blockchain Ethereum. Ethereum atualmente tem o maior número de nós entre todos os blockchain, tornando-se o mais descentralizado. A plataforma baseada em Blockchain possui os seguintes recursos surpreendentes:

  • Todas as informações sobre blocos criptografados;
  • O hash é uma garantia da conservação de blocos adicionados à cadeia de blocos;
  • Assinaturas digitais e chaves (privadas e públicas) protegem as informações contra acesso não autorizado, garantem a segurança do sistema e não podem ser acessadas por pessoas de fora.
  • Portanto, os dados são armazenados no blockchain e são protegidos por criptografia forte usando assinaturas digitais. O processo de gravar dados em blocos é um processo único. Não pode ser alterado de forma alguma.

Toda a informação é formada sob a forma de diferentes tipos de dados e estruturas de arquivo:

  • Gerenciamento de identidade
  • Documento
  • Atividades de manejo
  • Atividades de negócio • Processamento de transações
  • etc.

TOKEN DE VENDA 3 de julho a 30 de setembro de 2019, ou quando atingir o selo Hard

  • Preço ITO - 1 BILC = 1 USD = 0.005 ETH
  • Taça macia = 10 000 000 USD = 50 000 ETH
  • Taça dura = 80 000 000 USD = 400 000 ETH
  • 44% da questão = 66.880.000 BILC estarão disponíveis para venda no ITO

Mais informações:

Autor: hogriderr
perfil bitcointalk: hogriderr
ETH: 0xa6e13d101FAc22dEE3e2F50fBfaa575511BB9Cce